#created by francois scheurer on 20120828 # #note: # -be careful with trailing spaces, '- * ' is different from '- *' # -rsync stops at first matched rule and ignore the rest # -rsync descends iteratively the folders-arborescence # -'**' matches also zero, one or several '/' # -get the list of all root files/folders # pdsh -f 1 -w server[1-22] 'ls -la / | sed -e "s/ */ /g" | cut -d" " -f9-' | cut -d" " -f2- | sort -u # -include all folders with '+ */' (missing this rule implies that '- *' will override all the inclusions of any subfolders) # -exclude all non explicited files with '- *' # -exclude everything except /etc/ssh: '+ /etc/ssh/** \ + */ \ - *' # -exclude content of /tmp but include foldername: '- /tmp/* \ + */' # -exclude content and also foldername /tmp: '- /tmp/ \ + */' # -exclude content of each .ssh but include foldername: '- /**/.ssh/* \ + */' # #include everything except /tmp/: #- /tmp/ #same but include /tmp/ as an empty folder: #- /tmp/* #include only /var/www/: #+ /var/ #+ /var/www/ #+ /var/www/** #- * #same but also include folder structure: #+ /var/www/** #+ */ #- * #pattern list for / (include by default): + / #+ /boot/ #+ /boot/** #- * - /lost+found/* - /*.bak* - /*.old* #- /backup/* #- /boot/* #- /etc/ssh/ssh_host* #- /home/* - /media/* #- /mnt/*/* #- /opt/* #- /opt/fedora*/data/* #- /opt/fedora*/lucene/* - /opt/fedora*/tomcat*/logs/* - /opt/fedora*/tomcat*/temp/* - /opt/fedora*/tomcat*/work/* - /proc/* - /root/old/* #- /root/.bash_history - /root/.mc/* #- /root/.ssh/*openssh* - /root/.viminfo - /root/tmp/* #- /srv/* - /sys/* - /tmp/* #- /usr/local/franz/logstat/logstat.log - /var/cache/* - /var/lib/mysql/* - /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/wal_archive/* - /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/pg_log/* #- /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/pg_xlog/* - /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/postmaster.opts - /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/postmaster.pid - /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/backup_in_progress - /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/backup_label #- /var/lib/postgresql/*/main/*/* - /var/log/* #- /var/spool/* - /var/tmp/* #pattern list for /backup/ and /mnt/ (exclude by default): + /backup/ - /backup/lost+found/* - /backup/*.bak* - /backup/*.old* + /backup/snapshot/ + /backup/snapshot/rsync/ + /backup/snapshot/rsync/** - /backup/snapshot/* + /backup/db/ - /backup/* - /mnt/*.bak* - /mnt/*.old* - /mnt/old/ - /mnt/*/*.bak* - /mnt/*/*.old* - /mnt/*/old/ + /mnt/sas/* + /mnt/ssd/* - /mnt/*/tmp/* #- /mnt/*/opt/* #- /mnt/*/opt/fedora*/data/* #- /mnt/*/opt/fedora*/lucene/* - /mnt/*/opt/fedora*/tomcat*/logs/* - /mnt/*/opt/fedora*/tomcat*/temp/* - /mnt/*/opt/fedora*/tomcat*/work/* - /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/wal_archive/* - /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/pg_log/* #- /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/pg_xlog/* - /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/postmaster.opts - /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/postmaster.pid - /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/backup_in_progress - /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/backup_label #- /mnt/*/postgresql/*/main/*/* + /mnt/*/backup/ + /mnt/*/backup/snapshot/ + /mnt/*/backup/snapshot/rsync/ + /mnt/*/backup/snapshot/rsync/** - /mnt/*/backup/snapshot/* + /mnt/*/backup/db/ - /mnt/*/backup/* - /mnt/*/* + /c/ + /c/backup/ + /c/backup/snapshot/ + /c/backup/snapshot/rsync/ + /c/backup/snapshot/rsync/** - /c/backup/snapshot/* + /c/backup/db/ - /c/backup/* - /c/*/* + /home/ + /home/backup/ + /home/backup/snapshot/ + /home/backup/snapshot/rsync/ + /home/backup/snapshot/rsync/** - /home/backup/snapshot/* + /home/backup/db/ - /home/backup/* - /USB/* #pattern list for /boot/ (include by default): + /boot/ - /boot/lost+found/* - /boot/*.bak* - /boot/*.old* + /boot/** #pattern list for /home/ (include by default): + /home/ - /home/lost+found/* - /home/*.bak* - /home/*.old* - /home/xen/* + /home/** #include folder structure by default: #+ */ #include everything by default: + * #exclude everything by default: #- * #eof