Yacht AI

One of the lessons that we learned from PAX is that it is very nice to be able to switch between a human and AI player while playing the game. The only game that had this feature at PAX was Parcheesi. It made people more likely to start a game since they knew that they could be replaced by a computer player if they got bored or had to leave.

So one of our goals is to update the existing games so that you can switch back and forth between a human and computer player during the game instead of just at startup. Most of the games will be fairly easy to adapt to this system. We generally write the computer players in C++ while the rest of the game logic is in torquescript. This separation has meant that we generally pass everything the AI needs to make a decision each time the AI has to play.

Yacht didn’t have an AI at all, so to adapt it to the new system required me to write a computer player for it.

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Simultaneous Pickomino

After completing the AI for Pickomino I wanted to play against it and watch it in action. So I decided to create a version of the game for our touch table. I wont be trying to sell this game since I don’t have the rights from the creator of the board game. So it will just be for our own use.

The game came together pretty quickly. I spent a day or so learning Photoshop and creating graphics. Another couple of days building the game logic and integrating the C++ AI. Another day adding “simultaneous” mode. And a final day to add animations and work out bugs. Here is a screenshot of the final product.

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Pickomino AI

Pickomino is a dice game where each player takes turn rolling eight, six sided, dice. The player tries to build up a high enough total of dice to capture one of the available tiles from the board or from another player. To build up a die total, the player picks a set of dice all showing the same number to save. The player then re-rolls the remaining dice. Each number can only be saved once. If you can’t pick a new number after a roll, or don’t build up enough points to claim a tile, you scratch and have to return a tile. Full rules are here(PDF).

After playing the game a few times, I began to wonder if this game could be “solved” by a computer. Would it be possible to consider all the possible sets to save and all the possible rolls that would result for all the rounds in one player’s turn to determine their best choice.

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Fair Dice Roller

I have finished an HTML/javascript version of the fair dice roller. The fair die roller makes a die or dice less random by tweaking the probability of each roll so that the rolls come up in the correct ratios sooner. Check it out here. Or look here for a lot more detail about what this app does.

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QR Codes

We integrated a web server with web sockets and a web browser into Torque. The goal is to allow hidden information to be displayed on a phone and to create games where all the player play on a web page whether that is on a phone, computer or at the touch table. For the phones, it would be nice if they could quickly log into the game without the overhead of typing in a web address that looks like<game name>/<table position>

Most smartphones have a QR code reader that can interpret a URL and open the web browser with that address. So it would be nice to display a QR code at each table position. If the player doesn’t have a smartphone, they could sit at the table and use blinds. If they did, they could scan the QR code and be taken to the locally served web page that displayed their information.

I found a C++ library for generating QR Codes called libqrencode. With some minor tweaks I got this compiling in visual studio and linked into Torque. Integrating with torque was a bit more effort. The library outputs a character array of actual text ones and zeros. To display this on the screen, I build an OpenGL texture and draw it at the position and rotation of the sprite.

Here is what our test application looks like:

Here you can see a web page being displayed by the built in Awesomium browser. The page is being served up by the same program’s built in web server. The virtual keyboard can be used to fill in the text entry field on the web page. When you press the connect button, the page makes a web socket connection to the address entered. The web socket server is also running within the application and just sends the text “Greetings!” when it gets a connection. The QR code displayed on the right can be scanned by a phone and contains the URL to connect to the local web server. When the phone browses to that page, they see the same page as displayed within the application.

Now that all the technologies are integrated. We are ready to put it to use. We have two plans for this system. One is to replace the hidden information areas in the games “Temple Raiding” and “Hearts”. The other is to create a new game called Clever Blitz where the players compete in a series of extremely short mini-games. Each mini-game would be displayed in the web browser.

Web sockets and Mongoose

A couple of weeks ago, I experimented with using bluetooth to communicate hidden information from a game to a phone held by the players. While the prototype worked, there were issues with client side logic and lack of support for iOS.

Another way to achive the goal of displaying hidden information on the phone would be to create a web page that the phone could access. In the past, we have done this by having the game state in a MySQL database and php scripts to access the data. The game server and clients would poll the data watching for updates and sending their moves. This system was cumbersome, laggy and prone to error.

However, the web page is a nice way to provide the data to the clients. It is easy to layout a good looking interface, you can use javascript to allow the player to interact with the game and all phones have a web browser. The problem lies in the communication back to the C++ game.

One solution to this problem would be to use web sockets to send data back and forth between the clients and the game. Ideally, the C++ game would serve out the web pages that the clients display too so that people buying the game wouldn’t have to know how to setup a web server.

Mongoose is a simple web server with web socket support that can be compiled into a C++ application. With a couple of minor tweaks I got the mongoose code integrated into Torque.

Adding web sockets was a bit more problematic. The support for raw web socket connections comes with Mongoose, but I needed to write the code to send and receive the messages in the format expected by the chrome WebSocket class.

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Experimenting with Bluetooth

One of the challenges writing games for the touch-table is handling hidden information. So far we have used two solutions: Physical blinds that rest above the sensor and block the view of the other players, and a touch-to-reveal system where the player blocks the view with their hand and touches the screen to reveal their cards.

Many of our users have smartphones, and I thought that it would make sense to let them use their smartphone for the display of the hidden information. In the past, have experimented with a web based system where the game is hosted on a webpage and played on browsers. This works, but when the game is written in C++ for the touch-table, the game has to send data to the web-server so that the clients can display it. This creates extra overhead and lag.

Instead, I thought it would work better to send the hidden information directly to the phones over bluetooth. So I set out to write a C++ server that would use bluetooth to broadcast data to Android clients. This ended up being more difficult than I expected, but I did get it to work and wanted to post what I have done.

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Integrating Awesomium into Torque

Battle Home, one of the games that MCG is developing for Mesa Mundi, has a lot of options which dramatically change the rules to the game. For previous games, we have created instructions by making one or more graphics in Powerpoint or Photoshop and displaying that  graphic on the screen. For this game, each combination of options was going to require another set of images. It would be much easier if we could create the instructions dynamically based on the options selected.

Enter Awesomium, a C++ library that lets you put the Chrome/webkit web renderer into your application. While it was not trivial to integrate Awesomium into torque it does allow us to display any HTML or public webpage within our games.

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New word game for the touch table

I have almost finished a new game for the touch table. The game is based on the board game “Keesdrow” and is similar enough that I am not going to be selling this game. “Keesdrow” is a word finding game somewhat similar to Boggle, but the board is much bigger and each letter can only be used three times. The first time a letter is used it scores its base value, the second time it scores double and the third time it scores triple. This makes it very important to find words that have repeated letters and use letters that have already been used once or twice.

The most interesting part of this project was the AI. I expected it to play significantly better than it does.

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Electric game for touch-table

We have mostly finished a new board game for the touch table. The game is inspired by Power Grid, but is intended only for use on our own table and will not be for sale.

I am pretty happy with the result. The game plays very fast since you don’t have to worry about setting up, distributing paper money and manipulating the cards. In the original board game, we often needed ‘thinking money’ that we could arrange in piles representing planned expenses. To meet this need in the electronic version, we included a calculator in each player’s area. Hopefully this will be adequate.

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