Hansa Teutonica – Update 1

There has been a lot of progress made on the Hansa Teutonica conversion. The model is done, though the testing has been pretty light. Many of the graphics have been created and the GUI code for interacting with the player is started.

Here is a small portion of the board. The cites, offices, roads and houses are all on. The roads are being built programatically based on a source and destination city and a source and destination direction vector. The board still needs to show the upgrades that can be gotten at some of the cities.

Here is the player board. This is for the active player. Inactive players wont have the buttons at the bottom. It still needs to show the cubes covering the non-upgraded ability levels.

Here is a code snippet of two functions that I wrote to try out the new C++ 11 features. They are both doing the same basic thing: Given the value of a member variable, find the object in a vector that matches that value. First, here is what it would have looked like before:

Item* Object::findItem(const string& itemAttribute)
  for ( vector<Object*>::iterator oIter = myItems.begin();
        oIter != myItems.end(); ++oIter )
    if ( (*oIter)->attribute() == itemAttribute )
      return *oIter;
  return nullptr;

Here is the same basic idea using the new “for each” syntax. Notice that it is much cleaner. And I don’t have to create the iterator variable at all. There are certainly cases where you are going to need the iterator, but this isn’t one of them.

City* Board::findCity(const string& name)
  for each ( City* city in myCities )
    if ( city->name() == name ) return city;
  return nullptr;

Finally, here is the version using lambda functions. I’d had high hopes for this approach and was a bit disappointed with the results. There are certainly cases for using lambda functions, but this isn’t really one of them. Though, if this were in a performance critical part of the code, the lambda function might be a bit faster. Also notice the use of the “auto” keyword to declare the iterator. This is another new feature, and is a great benefit. Using either of the two new approaches, I don’t have to know what kind of collection I have to use the collection.

Player* Board::findPlayer(const string& name)
  auto pIter =
    find_if(myPlayers.begin(), myPlayers.end(),
            [&name](Player* p){ return p->name() == name; });
  if ( pIter == myPlayers.end() ) return nullptr;
  else return *pIter;


I have started a new project for the Touch table called Yacht. It is a public domain version of Yatzee. To take advantage of the multi touch screen, and to make the game faster, I am doing a “shared-dice” variant where all the players share the same die rolls. As a player locks/selects dice, they no longer use the shared roll of those die.

It is going to be eight player with each person having a score and dice region.

I am trying to pick a simple game in order to learn the Torque 2D scripting and game builder. The Hansa Teutonica project used Torque 2D as well, but William is handling all of the script and GUI parts. He has been using Torque for years and is going to help me learn the scripting sytems. He is also going to build the graphics that the game will use.

Practice Log – Android+MultiUser completed

The changes to the PracticeLog application and the associated android app are completed. They both access the database on my website through the php interface.

I have created a simple user system:

  1. When you create a new user, I store the username and email along with an encrypted password and generated GUID in my user table.
  2. When a user logs in, the given password is encrypted and compared to the stored password. If correct, the GUID is returned.
  3. The other tables are accessed by the users GUID.

The C# changes were fairly simple. I created a login/new-user dialog and left the local database code so that someone could use the program in a offline mode if they didn’t like the idea of logging into my website.

The Android app was a much bigger job. I was able to use all built-in GUI elements, but the life-cycle issues were much more serious than they were in my first Android application. I didn’t want the user to have to log in every time, so I store the users GUID in the application’s configuration data. I also needed to preserve both the timer’s start time and the entered but unsaved practice time when the application is killed. I learned how to prevent the screen rotation from happening and learned how to store the downloaded data from the web during a screen rotation.

Testing the app was a hassle because my phone loses its connection to eclipse after a few seconds. This is probably a problem with the virtual machine that I am using to do the development with. If I had it to do over, I would go ahead and install java and eclipse on my main machine.

I am still considering releasing this application and app, but would like to figure out the ad model for the android app.

Here is what the app looks like:

Hansa Teutonica

Now that we are getting a multitouch table, it is time to write some games for it.

William has already written GemHoarder and we have decided that the next game will be Hansa Teutonica.  It is a relatively new game that we really enjoy. The game doesn’t have a lot of different cards or exceptions that make a conversion difficult.

We are going to write the game with the Torque 2D game engine. William has already incorporated TUIO events into the engine. It is a C++ engine and I will be creating the back-end game model. The game is turn based, and on each player’s turn they can perform 2-5 actions. We know that we will need to be able to undo actions because the player may click in the wrong place, or just change their mind. The later happens regularly in the physical version. So I am going to create a model of the players and the board and then a move system that modifies the model. Finally, there will be some kind of game-runner that interfaces with the GUI to find out what the player wants to do, constructs the move, has the move apply itself, and then saves the move so that it can be undone.

I am also looking forward to trying out some of the new features in C++ 11. My previous C++ application was written with Visual Studio 2008 because the CLI/.NET intellisense is broken in VS 2010. Since I wont be using any of the managed code for this project, I can use VS 10 which supports most of C++ 11. The features that I am planning to try out are the “for each” statement and the Lambda functions.

Practice Log – Android version

I have been using the PracticeLog for a little over a year now and have found it to be very useful. However, there are several features that I never use:

  1. The list of pieces that I am practicing. This would be nice to keep up to date, but even with the “Same as Yesterday” button, I just don’t have the motivation to keep entering the data.
  2. The stopwatch and countdown. I haven’t been practicing in the same room as the computer, so it is not handy to have to turn on the computer both before and after practice time. Instead I have been using a stopwatch on my phone, or just my watch to time the practice and then separately enter the time.

I would like to use my Android phone, which I usually have on me, to record the practice time. To do that, I am going to create a web database and php accessors so that I can load and update practice time from the phone or computer. While doing this conversion, I am going to make a few changes:

  1. Remove the list of pieces practiced per day. It would make the database more complex and I never use the feature.
  2. Make the database multi-user. This will allow me to publish the application and Android app. I am not sure if that will ever happen, but the software has been useful for me, so it might be appreciated by others too.

This will be the first time I have made a multi-user web database, so I am debating how to handle security. I want each user to only have access to their own data, but don’t want the overhead of encrypting all the data.

After my experience with the DurationAlarm application, I suspect that the Android app will take most of the time. But all of the GUI elements that I will need are built in.

Duration Alarm

I have had an Android phone for a while now, and one of the reasons that I picked that particular phone was so that I could create my own applications without going through a central marketplace. Until now, I have never actually done it. The Android marketplace has had all the utilities and apps that I have wanted. But I’ve decided that I want to learn how to write software for Android and there is an app that I have always vaguely wanted and haven’t found.

The app is a duration based alarm. This is a common way to set an alarm for a nap, but I would like to use the same system for an over-night alarm. Since I don’t have a day job, I don’t have to get up at any particular time, but I’d like to limit my sleep to the amount of time I need.

The application is simple enough to be a good problem to learn Android development with.

I have had bad experiences with Java and eclipse in the past, so I’ve decided to do all my Android development in a virtual machine. I used Oracle’s Virtual Box and an old copy of windows XP. While the Virtual Box software is nice (especially since it is free), this took a lot longer than I had expected. I had forgotten how old windows XP is and I spent hours installing updates. Installing eclipse and the android SDK went fairly smoothly and once installed, I was able to hook up my phone and run a sample app through the VM.

The Android SDK documentation is good, and the sample apps provide a lot of examples to follow and I was able to make quick progress on my program. The GUI builder is not bad, but I spent half the time editing the XML directly anyway. The hardest part was the lifecycle. It takes a while to get used to the idea that your program can be killed and re-started with very little notification.

The app took about three days of me working on and off. I was impressed by the Intent system which allowed me to easily use the built in alarm software to handle the alarm part while my app just does alarm scheduling. I was least impressed with the resource ID system and java in general. I have always disliked java and this project reminded me of all the ways that java makes my code ugly and my coding sloppy. There may be a better way to do this, but the default mode for the resource ID system makes all the GUI elements into global variables.

I used the local database to save off the user’s last alarm duration. Once I got used to it, that is a very convenient system. Much like what is built into C#.

I have no plans to put the completed app on the Android Market. It works fine, but I have no desire to test it on other phone models.

Price Tracker – Software

I have added a new feature to my personal PriceTracker application. I can now add computer games to the wishlist and get price updates from Steam. Since Steam doesn’t have an API like Amazon, I am simply scraping their web page. This makes the application even less likely to be released, since Steam could change their page layout at any time.

Price Tracker – Watch list

The PriceTracker application is mostly complete. It keeps track of products and has become a handy tool, if mostly for keeping my wishlist. I have just added a new “Item Alert” feature to the program. You give the program the name of an author or artist that you like and it will watch for new releases by that creator. Here is what the screen looks like:

Price Tracker

I am starting development of a tool that will track the price of items at Amazon.com. I will build a wishlist of items and the program will check the price of each item daily. It will let me know if the item is on sale and what the current discount is.

There are tools online for doing the same thing, but I’d rather not enter my wishlist into a website and I’d rather not get more email.

Since the program is for my own use, I’ll add items to the tracker by going to Amazon.com, finding the item, and then entering the ASIN into the program.

The program will use Amazon’s Product API to get a bit of product information and the current price.

I am going to write this program in C#. I will be able to re-use quite a bit of code from my MediaDB application which also uses the Amazon Product API.

SimFinance Progress Update

The SimFinance application is mostly done.

As is always the case, the software was more complex than I thought it would be. The main complications were due to the fact that my partner and I aren’t married. So the application had to try to optimize who paid the bills to manage the size of each of our accounts and how much taxes we each had to pay. The other big complication was trying to manage our traditional and Roth IRAs to minimize taxes each year.

There are some big things yet to do:

  1. Come up with a model for stock dividends. Right now, dividends are simply included in the return of the S&P. However, that is not really accurate, as the yield of dividends lags behind changes in stock prices. Also, taxes are due on dividends the year they are paid instead of the year the stock is sold. Those two differences may end up balancing each other out in the overall results.
  2. Investment strategy comparison. Would dividing our money between bonds, i-bonds, and stocks be better overall than having everything in stocks? Does the reduction in volatility pay off? Or is it better to just accept the volatility and maximize returns?
  3. More optimization post 60. The order of IRA withdraws should change after 60. Need to model medicare.

The model is giving us an 85% chance of success right now. I don’t really think that the things that are left to do will change this number significantly. It is surprising how much money we have to have to get a 95% chance of success and how much variation there is in the possible outcomes.

It is possible that treating the S&P 500 as a random distribution is wrong. While the historic data looks random, there probably are some underlying “fundamentals” that keep the stock prices within a range. I am not sure how to add that to the model besides trying to put an overall cap on the market returns.